Thursday, October 11, 2012

eating animals

Is a book I read, just resent. I started last year, but I couldn't really finish. Was to much going on with baby, job, etc etc. 
So I read it now and It's really good. 

I was vegetarian for many many years, until I stopped as I had the biggest cravings for meat. When "turned" meat eater again I almost stopped eating vegetables, it was all meat meat meat. 
Until some years ago, when I thought that eating all that meat can't be to good for me, or for you. 
Today we eat mainly vegetables, actually. I like to have some meat once in a while, and my husband is from Bolivia, so only eat vegetables is almost impossible :)

In the word vegetables, I do include peas, lentils, beans and so on. 

I think this book is a very good thing to read. To be honest, today I have no moral thing, against eating animals, it's manly in environmental thing that I want to skip it. 
I think that if they are treated "good", I've got nothing against it. It's the "factory farming" I really dislike, the use of antibiotics, not when the animals are sick but just because I am against. 
That the animals can't live "normally" and that the waist that comes from these "farms" are toxic and there are not to big regulations on what to do with it. and the AMOUNT. 

One sentence from this book have really stayed in my mind, and I think we should all think about it:

"When we eat factory-farm meat we live, literally, on tortured flesh. Increasingly, that tortured flesh is becoming our own"    

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