Monday, January 23, 2012

whised that I had

I wished that I had this TV. I barley watch TV, but the few times I do, I would like to do it nicely. 

I would also like to have this meat grinder. I am in the process of starting to grind my minced meat, also to be able to make my own paté, but I need a grinder for that. 

Our vaccum cleaner broke down. The first thought I had was to buy a new one. 
Then I had a second thought. 
In Bolivia, they had a spot free house. They didn't need a vaccum cleaner. They sweeped the floor. And they walk with shoes inside. 
So I will do that too. But the carpets are bit tricky. I need this one for it. 

broken things, all over

The last days, I have been very occupied, been working with a new project. 

And have been very excited and wanted to show what it was. 
Some sewing projects. 

But what happens then, the camera is just dead. 
Dead dead dead. 

Now it feels like we just live with dead things. 
Dead or broken. 

Drawer, sink, lamp in the celing, tv, camera, phone. 

So it all will have to wait to be shown. 


Saturday, January 21, 2012

back in buisness

So we're back!
Has been very very quiet from me, but I have been so occupied with getting our flat in order. 

Finding all our things, and to have it as a home again. 
Then we also soled my computer, and "only" have a stationary, but this one did not have a keybord until very resent. 

Bit hard to write without keybord. 

But I am once again back in business!!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

going home

So now we have two more days to go, then we're going back to Czech Republic. 
It is with mixed feelings actually. On one hand I am glad, as I can do as I please again. Do my things. 
On the other hand, I feel sad. Sad as I from time to time here, have had it hard to fit in, and the one who has been the one that has been my punch bag has been my husband. And he has felt bad. And I feel so sorry for how I have been, when I have had these bad days. 
I feel so stupid, that I have made his hometrip, first one after 3 years not as good as he wanted. Not a relaxing and fun. 

I am sorry, that I can't see all the good things, at all times. 
That even if disappointments, over missed travels or loneliness is not the  end of the world,and that I should see positive. 

But I haven't been able to do so, not at all times. And it have hurt us here. 

Tuesday, January 3, 2012


So, now we have a new year. 

My goal this year, is to sew more,be more crafty and to be more clam.