Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Feminism no thank you. I am a HUMANIST!

No, I am not a feminism.

The whole thing with feminism is that WOMEN can. That WOMEN are strong. That the WOMAN should take care of other WOMEN. 

That we ought to fight against the evil and sexistic man. We HAVE to, to show our female bond. 
If we don't we are traitor to the female sex. 

We should act in certain ways towards the man, not please him, but be hard and say that we need to punish him after the oppression of the women. 
That it is our turn to now rule. 

I can just not agree to this. 

I think that we can all be totally equal if you start to think about us all as HUMANS.

HUMANS should have equal salary. 
HUMANS, should have equal rights. 
HUMANS should treat HUMANS the same. 

We should seek for "revenge" on anybody because that will not help anyone. 
We should see each other as HUMANS, all together and that we all need to work that all people in the world are EQUAL. 

Stop see the sex and start see the person behind it. 

Baby Baby

Isn't just amazing, to walk with your kid on the shoulders? 

Why would I ever want to go and work, leave her in a day care and miss these kind of things?

Here we are, in she shadows!

Prazka Trnice, Hala 22

Everyone in the close area of Holesovice market should go here and shop the veggies. 

Close farmers, with nice fresh and cheap veggies. 

My even go to a supermarket, when having this close by...

And yes, you can also buy fresh milk

Isn't more like this, that we all should shop, to make the earth last a bit longer?

Monday, August 22, 2011


Year ago we stood in the park and got married. 
One of the best days in my life!

After a year we got back and had a small picnic.
Nothing surprise this year, but after the surprise wedding, I just wanted to have this day planned..

Our little girl was with us this year. Made it even better!

Hi is sitting just on the spot where we stood. So nice.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

The purple dress

As the sewing machine broke down, and just got it back, all the sewing project was put on hold. 


The purple dress, that I wrote about earlier, are getting along just fine. 

It do though have something weird over it that I can't put my hand on what it is. 
Might be the longer back.... 

Hopefully I will have it done really soon!

Husbands birthday

S had a birthday, of course I had to invite some friends and celebrate him!

Lots of  food, drinks and laughter kept our guest there until early morning. 
Was so much fun!

Thank you all for finishing the food! 

Web page

My lovely husband S has given me a website for anniversary gift. 

I think he is amazing. 

Check it out. 


So finally the machine are done!
No more weird noise when sewing. 
No more strange seams!

I am happy!

Thank you so much dear repair man

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Long holiday but now I take it up

I have had holiday with so many guest here. 
Back again, with a sewing machine almost here and loads of ideas to do things. 

old and all, but the best there is!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011


It is all breaking down. 

my phone, compputer and sewing machine. 

But as they say, all bad things comes in three, so guess it is just good thing from now. 


There has been a bombing and shooting in Norway. 
A man, with weird believes and opinions has killed up about 70 people. 
And who knows really why. 
Because he want to have a society, that we today do not have. 
He want to have a closed society. 

In his mind, he did us all a favor. He did the right thing 
In my mind he has done something bad. Something wrong. 

People call him a monster. A demon. Evil.
I do not belive that a human can be evil.
His act was. 

But try to still think about him as a human. With feelings and wishes. 
Not like yours maybe, but he still have them. 
And we do need to respect them. 
Who are we, to judge and say who is worthy to be a human or not. 

He thought he could, but do I want to have that same feature as him?

I think that what he did was awful, but please talk about him as he is a living person.