Tuesday, November 29, 2011


So I have a lot of time on my hands. To much actually, as I do not have enough things to do. 
So I have started to read online, some blogs some tip about cooking and so on. And it strikes me, that it is such a pity, so sad to me,that the most visited blogs, the most successful once  are almost all about nothing. 
Meaningless things. Only what they shopped last day, or how much they drank last night. or how much they will drink. How much money they spent, and the latest hair product. 

I like to read this one: 

Please give me tips, I want to get to read some blog, from real people. To give me tips on how to cook, bake, sew, plant, inspire me. Make me wanna o something as well. 

No more just about shopping. Don't we want to learn and get richer in our life? 

For the hungry one

Made some nice oat cookies for the little one. 
Small cookies that we can bring, when we are out. 
The best is that they taste SO GOOD, and it is not full of sugar. 

100 gr of butter. 
3 deci of oat 
0.75 deci of flour
0-0.5 deci of sugar
1 tbs of soda bicarbonate

Mix it all together, make 12-15 balls. Press gently with fork on them. 
12 min in the oven, on 200 degrees. 

And bread for the hungry one as well. 

Monday, November 28, 2011

christmas feeling

Finished decorate the living today. 
It is sunny and warm, and in the living room, we have fake snow flings and snow mans. 
Bit weird, but at least I get some christmas feeling somewhere, as the weather is not helping me. 

It is nice

this and that, again

Today, I am so tired. Don't really know why. 
And I also really want to sew, but so tired so I just want to sleep, 8.30...
I also want to learn how to make my own cards, like in birtday card and christmas cards. 
I am really sold on that idea, to start to make them myself. Must be fun, I' thinking. Everywhere I check, they talk about expensive stamps, and machines to cut out things to glue on. 
 I mean, one reason I would do it, would be to NOT support a market thing. And for it to might be cheaper.. 

And aslo to just be creative. 
But with all these stuff, it would be a very expensive hobby. 

Tomorrow we're looking at a day wit swimming pool and gym. 
That is good. 
After that I don't really have any plans. 

Friday, November 25, 2011

the cover

The diaper has big "flerps", so she can grow in it. 
The other once we have are for now only... 

things done

I have decorated for Christmas today.

started on a quilt.

Also did a diaper cover. 

And then nothing else. have pain in my neck. 

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

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organic farming

It doesn't look like much maybe. 

But here, one hour from Cochabamba, I would like to buy this piece of land. 

And here I would like to start an organic farming.
vegetables, as they should taste, as they should be grown. 
As it was meant to be, not as it is today. 
And I want to do it. 
Any tips on getting funding's for something like that???  


It's 9.10 am here, and I have already been to the pool. 
Feels GREAT, even though at 7 in the morning, I didn't feel like it AT ALL!!
But now it feel so good. Was not as I expected, as it was actually a trainer there. Not just me swimming in my own pace. No it was GO GO GO GOOOO. 
Which I think was probably better, then do it myself. 

I feel I am on a right track in the life!

new template?

My husband don't like my template. He said it this morning again. He thinks it looks sloppy, and just not nice. 
So I wonder, does it looks sloppy? And the colors and all, please give me some help regarding it, as for me I think it it so much better then before, but can always be better I reckon!


The evening I have spent, cutting pieces of fabric to a quilt. 
To whom? I don't know. Guess just a new one for my girl.

Here I also show a ribbon, bought in Peru. Ribbon with "native" style. 
Something nice will it be used for.  

Monday, November 21, 2011


What can I say, I do really like shoes. 
And I do not have enough, even for a bit. The reason is that I have very hard to find shoes, in my size that I do like. 

But here came two high heels that are nice. 

These, I really love. Soooo amazing.

These doesn't look as nice here on the pic, as in real. 
They are not as nice as the other once, but I like them. 

They are more "safe shoes"

Hopefully I will find some more, before getting home.

the sewing machine

I don't know, if it is because I do not know how to manage sewing machines, or because I sew on old machines. 
But they all break down on me. 

But this doesn't look really right. 

I think it is a wire in the machine that is getting to loose.
Lets see lets see.

But the quilts just have to wait a bit. 
And the rest of the diaper covers as well. 

That's life!


Machu Picchu

In Peru we went to Macchu Piccu. 
Beautiful and amazing!

Here the Inkas duell, none know really  for how ong and when they left. 
We had a amazing guide, that let us know tons of things. 
I wish, I could have had taped it.

Early morning mist. 

Here we climbed up, and what a nice view!

I don't understand how they made this. so straight lines, it fits perfect. 
Some say that they had help from aliens...

lazy sunday

yesterday we had a very nice dinner party. 

today has been a day, spent most in the bed. 

That is the life sometimes!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

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I was planning to do a new quilt now. But the powers of the universe wanted something else. 
The scissor just broke into two pieces. 

Some top

So this is kind off the result that came out of one of the curtains I got in La paz. 
I some small modifications from the last update about it.



Close up

Friday, November 18, 2011

4 KG

just came back from 45 minutes of workout. 
Feels Veeeeery good. 

Since coming here, I do have lost some kg. 
that is fun. 
But also after coming back from Peru, a calm has entered me. 
I do not feel as stressed about the weight anymore. 

I am healthier then in many years, and that is very good. 
And I am happy about that, what ever else comes on the way, is just plus :)

Thursday, November 17, 2011


We went to Peru.
Husband and I, without the little one. 
She turned sick, and we decided it was better to leave her for some days at her aunt. 

So we went to cousco, to be honest, not really what I had expected. 

Just arrived. 

Avenida del Sol 6 in the morning. No people barley no cars. Like this I really liked the town. 

Placa de armas, main square. 
Also empty of people. Was beautiful right now. 

Almost empty, it was this crazy woman and the police watching her there. 
The blowed the sea shell and meditated and prayed

The market. 

Have tons more. But somewhere has to be a stop no?


Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Bday Party!

Well bit late, as she had birthday the 29. But I didn't really have time or internet before. 

And we had  two horses for the small ones. 
Here is my big one year old. Sitting on the horse. Couldn't be more proud! 

 And she enjoyed it!

And we played, donkey tail. You have to put the tail on the donkey, blind folded. 
had some nice prices for the one that won. 

We also had reserved the swimming pool, but so unlucky with the weather, so in the end we didn't swim. 

Few of the people that was there. 

And some of all the food I did is shown here. 
We had the swedish Smorgastarta, hot dogs, and tons of sweets. 

Bit sadly, that I was occupied with serving food and couldn't take much more pictures. 
Would love to have more!!!