Tuesday, November 1, 2011

keeping up the mood

Is difficult, when you feel that the travel stomach is coming for the 3rd time. 
When I have been sitting more on the toilet then anything else. 

When for almost two weeks I didn't eat, only hang out on toilet. 
When being sort of good, drastically cutting down on the food front, because I do not want to sit on toilet anymore. 

And after all this, hearing that the one that should be there for me telling me that I should eat even less, so I can loose weight.

I am so freaking tired of it all.  


  1. Maria, you are coming from Europe and that is the reason why you are having this problem bcz in Bolivia the people have the immunity an they can eat anything ( also if is not clean), Ondra had the same problem as you but he was ok when he started buying the vegetals in a supermarket.. believe me .. try to do this! and good luck!

    PS. also try buying the product for clean vegetal called "DG-6" ( DE JE SEIS -in Spanish)

