Monday, April 23, 2012

Working out

Today was the first time this year that I was out and running "my" track. 
It didn't went super good, but much better then I had expected. 
Later in the evening I went to swim. I really need to meet with a teacher, as I feel that my technique has degenerated. 

On the way home, it hit me I have been reagulary working out now, for the last half year. 
Every week I have been doing something. 
I haven't lost tons of weight, but some. Slowly it goes the right way. 
And this is, even if it sounds very bad, the longest I have, regualry worked out. Usually I stop after two month or so. 

I'm very glad about this. It gave me an extra push, to do it half year more. And after that, I can actually call me a work out girl! 


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