Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Sick sick and mmore sick

It isn't always fun to be out traveling. 
for the forth day now, I haven't eating real food, as it all comes out FAST!

with almost 40 degrees of fever and headache you do not really wanna do anything. 

What I would like to do is to sew, but as the machine is at the service. 
(Different one, from the one I talked about earlier. This is S mothers machine)
So I can;t sew either.



  1. Tänk på att dricka mycket då salt- och sockertillskott, annars du kanske kolar vippen, det tycker inte Rebecca om...Tänk på det! /Supernurse

  2. Japp det gjorde jag, med ackliga tillskott. usch fy och bla, men det ordnade visst till sig i alla fall
