Friday, December 30, 2011


Today is the second last day, of the year 2011. 
A year full of things that happened. Not all good, but most of it. 
All that I wanted to happen this year, did not happen so I will try to make it work next one. 


First year, as a full time mother. People said that it would be so hard, that I would just sit home, and that I could forget about my hopes and dream. But I think that I continued being rather active. 

The year that I have layed out a ground, for making my own cloths. Sewing for people. A start of getting more creative. 

I visited a new country, saw the Alps, that was very pretty. 

I got to see both cesky krumlov in Czech Republic, and Kosice in Slovakia. 

I did my first interior design work, for someone else then me.
(I know, I haven't show pictures, or even told about it.W will come when I got some.)

Started a blogg, takes some time, for the reason that I want to reach out to people, and maybe in somewhat change a persons opinion. Or teach someone something. To reach out with my sewing things. 

I went to live in Bolivia, for 4 months. Went to peru and saw Machu Piccu, amazing. 

Just some of the many things that happened to me. 

Lets wait for av even better 2012

The zuma master

Today, 2 years ago, I finished my work. 
The last one, that I can call real work. After that I was free for 3 months, then I got a job, but was pregnant so only worked for 5 months. 
So therefore I call it my last "real" work. 

It was a big company. Not to fun work, to be totally honest. But it was a job. 
We where told one day, that the project I was working for, was gonna shut down. They would try to reposition us, but if not they would have to let us go. 

After months, there where no work for me, they couldn't find anything. 
For me and 6 more people. 
The project was shut down, in mid october, but we had to work, until the contract day. It was today, 2 years ago. 

Did we get holiday? No we did not. we had to work. But with what? There was nothing to do. 

So this is what we did, as we had to make the time go. 
We was told to archive a archive. I went out with my colleagues till late night, and we where so tired the day after that we slept under the tables... 

We played a lot. Msn games on the internet. 
word twist. 
We hang the scores on the walls, and made record of who was the champions. 

We also played some form of cricket inside. 

But the ultimate was ofcourse:

And why was that so ofcourse?

Well for the easy reason that I became the ZUMA MASTER!

Thursday, December 29, 2011

are we not interested in more?

I from time to time read blogs. 
And I can't stop reflect over, how they are just the same. Most of them. 
Or at least the biggest one. 
A girl, and that always posting just pictures of her self, in different positions. Looking deep in the camera, kissing with her lips, and not to uncommon, with little cloths. 

They talk about how much alcohol they drank last night, and how much more they wanna drink. 

Are we not interested in something more substantial? Isn't interesting to learn from others? Why is it so fun to know these things?

Luckily I do find nice things as this:

not much sewing here no

No, I haven't done much of sewing lately. 
I went to La paz for a week, and after that nothing. 

The thing is that we're going home so soon, and I feel like I don't wanna sit and sew the last days. 
Will take it as a break and start again, with tons of energy and motivation when coming back home. 

And already have tons of ideas for what to do.

I am excited! 

Wednesday, December 28, 2011


It is such a pity, that I have discovered that I am good at swimming. 
Not talking about going and swim 500 meters in a pool. 
No I am talking about real swim. 

Go to the pool, with the trainer and swim. 
And I can do that!

I have always loved swimming, but more for fun and for play. 
I do remember that I did have a dream of swimming professionally, when being a kid. But guess that my lazyness and that we lived on countryside played big role, I never tried it. 

But so I do now, and it is so freaking fun, and I feel I am getting just better and better. 

Pity that it is kinds to late to do something real with it, I could have been there. On the medal place in the olympics! 



This night that passed, I had a dream. I dreamt about a friend I use to have. 
A good friend, I use to have, when I lived in Sweden. He visited when I moved to Prague as well. 

The last thing we did, was to leave in some kind of anger, or disappointment or something like that. 
And we haven't talked since. 

And this night that passed I dreamt. And woke up with such a weird feeling. A feeling of missing. A feeling that I did wrong. That why was I so stupid, and let a good friend go. 
And I can not really shake it of me, this feeling. 
Why do we do that? people that are important and good influence on us? 

Can you "turn back time" and go back to being friends?

Monday, December 26, 2011

Help needed

Please give me tips, on gyms in Prague. 
Should have place where to leave the child, a babysitter. 

All I need. 

I am on a good strike, and need to continue it. 
I have finally understood, (I think) that I'm not one of the lucky few that can eat yourself to loose some weight. Or one or two times a week to run. 

No it seems like it is WORK WORK. And now I think it is ok. 
I want to be a good example for my child. 

So pleease help me, and give tips on where to go, so I can continue this!

Saturday, December 24, 2011


I wish you all a very good Christmas. 

Myself have just done my hair, manages a gift for husband, and waiting to go to bed. 

After crying baby, barking dogs and snoring husband last night, i am TIRED!

Merry merry christmas!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

back from La paz

full of motivation and energy to do things. 

first out will be saffron buns, tomorrow. 
Finnish the bed linnen for my girl as well. 
Print pictures and send some cards. 

Also hit the pool, and gym. 

That is the plan for tomorrow. 

kisses, and bye!

Monday, December 12, 2011

la paz

Leaving for La Paz, see a friend and just be with me and myself. 

Sunday, December 11, 2011

sick, and now i am f***ng tired

after more then a week, just running to the toilet, for the forth time this trip I am getting sick of this. 

So sorry, but start to hate to be here, as I can not relax one minute. 
Can I eat this or not? Will it result in week on toilet or not?
I have been sick of my stomach more then 5 weeks in total here. 

All I want is just to re book my ticket and leave and never come back. 
I really really don't want to be here anymore. 
I am counting the days till we go home!!!!

Saturday, December 10, 2011

for the bed

This I did yesterday. Beginning of a bed linen. 
But it is so much sewing, as I have to sew everything twice. 

The machine is still jumping. 

But think it will be nice in the end. 

accion en cliza

My husbands thing. I think it is so good. If anyone wants to help, you are more then welcome to do so. If anything just write to my me here and I will forward it to him. 

I am so proud of this, :)

Queridos amigos--

Cómo se nota que se acercan las fiestas de Navidad y Año Nuevo: la gente sonrie en la calle y te mandan buenos deseos. Somos muy  afortunados! Y contamos con mucho más que el resto de nuestros compatriotas. Estadísticamente el 60% de los bolivianos vive en pobreza, 37% en extrema pobreza, 80% no tiene acceso a electricidad, 86% no tiene agua potable y 50% no tiene alcantarillado.

Por si acaso, vivir en extrema pobreza significa no tener comida, ni agua, ni una casa, ni acceso a salud y vivir con9 bolivianos al día o menos. Qué duro. Qué honestamente duro.

Por eso, pongamos nuestras palabras y buenos deseos en acción. Acción = Dinero -> Alimentos. 

Vamos a recaudar fondos y comprar alimentos para 16 familias en Cliza

Por qué Cliza? Porque estando a sólo  45 minutos de la ciudad, se encuentran estos 16 campesinos y sus familias (de los verdaderos campesinos, aquellos que aran la tierra, trabajan desde la madrugada y no tienen una camioneta ultimo modelo) que viven en pobreza.

Esta no será una acción aislada. Una ONG tiene planes para trabajar con esa localidad y con tesón y un poco de suerte, para el año próximo estos campesinos utilizarán semillas, fertilizantes y otros productos completamente naturales e incorporarán técnicas de auto-sostenimiento que harán de sus actuales pedazos de tierra unas granjas en el mejor sentido de la palabra.

Durante esta semana, me encuentro a su disposición para pasar a recoger lo que puedan aportar: 20, 30, 50 Bs. Toda ayuda sirve! Y si tienen tiempo, el sábado 17 de Diciembre haremos la entrega. Todos son bienvenidos. Si prefieren depositar en cuenta, al final se encuentran mis datos y teléfonos.

Un abrazo y espero verlos a todos.

As noted the approaching Christmas and New Year people smile in the street andsend you good wishes. We are very lucky! And we have much more than the rest of our countrymen. Statistically 60% of Bolivians live in poverty, 37% in extreme poverty, 80% have no access to electricity, 86% have no drinking water and 50% do not havesewer.

By the way, live in extreme poverty means no food, no water, no house, no access to health and living with 9 bolivianos a day or less. What drive. What honestly hard.

So we put our words and good intentions into action. Action = Money -> Food.

We will raise funds and buy food for 16 families in Cliza

Why Cliza? For being only 45 minutes from the city are these 16 farmers and theirfamilies (of the real farmers who till the soil, work from the morning and have a late model truck) live in poverty.

This is not an isolated action. An NGO has plans to work with the town and with determination and a little luck, next year these farmers use seeds, fertilizers and other natural products and incorporate self-sustaining techniques that will make yourcurrent pieces of land a farm in the best sense of the word.

During this week, I am available to go to pick up what they can provide: 20, 30, 50 BsAny help will do! And if you have time on Saturday December 17 we will make thedelivery. All are welcome. If you prefer to deposit account at the end are my data andphones.

A hug and I hope to see you all.


I wanted to do my own christmas cards. Everywhere I looked for information and some help, only told me about expensive stamps and machines. 

No, I wanted to make just nice cards, with out needed to buy to much things, and with out needed to buy special attributes from some company. 


I took some paper, glue, glitter, colors and just started my own. 

Made my own "stamps" just painted a star and cut it out. 

I used sponges and colored white hard paper. 

And Voila!
My first own made card. 
Maybe not the best in the world, but I put tons of effort, and thought into it. 

I am stupidly proud. Specially as I am terrible in drawing and things like that. And made it, without buying expensive stuff, or without supporting a mega company with buying a ready made on.


Friday, December 9, 2011

sewing spot

Everything I do take a age to do, as this is my work space. 

well my old work space, today i am sitting on the reddish chair next to me. 

Tuesday, December 6, 2011


The pool this morning, that I went to

Outside the gym that I went to afterwards. 

cutting edge...

I have spent a lot of the day, with cutting shapes, painting shapes and sewing shapes. 

As the quilt is ready to use, I've started a new project. 
Had fabric over so why not?

My girl will get the most funny bed linen in town!

Monday, December 5, 2011

quilt 2

I bought this fabric, as might remembered. 

I made this:

Here and there you can actually see the fabric :)


I got a pair of jeans, that I did not like to much. 

So simply just redid them, now I have a pair of shorts, and I like them!

Friday, December 2, 2011

She is so smart!

My girl is just so smart. And I know that everyone says that, but that doesn't make her less smart. 
I love her. 

I is amazing to see, how she is trying to do all as we do. 
Climbing the chairs, she does without problem. 

She doesn't want to crawl the stairs anymore, now she want to WALK up. 
So incredible sweet. 

She calls us, when waking up. first gently and nice, then after a while she tells us, clear and loudly. 


cleaning has become her new thing. loves all the cleaning stuff. 

Oh and of course to drive the car. That she could do all day long. :)

Tuesday, November 29, 2011


So I have a lot of time on my hands. To much actually, as I do not have enough things to do. 
So I have started to read online, some blogs some tip about cooking and so on. And it strikes me, that it is such a pity, so sad to me,that the most visited blogs, the most successful once  are almost all about nothing. 
Meaningless things. Only what they shopped last day, or how much they drank last night. or how much they will drink. How much money they spent, and the latest hair product. 

I like to read this one: 

Please give me tips, I want to get to read some blog, from real people. To give me tips on how to cook, bake, sew, plant, inspire me. Make me wanna o something as well. 

No more just about shopping. Don't we want to learn and get richer in our life? 

For the hungry one

Made some nice oat cookies for the little one. 
Small cookies that we can bring, when we are out. 
The best is that they taste SO GOOD, and it is not full of sugar. 

100 gr of butter. 
3 deci of oat 
0.75 deci of flour
0-0.5 deci of sugar
1 tbs of soda bicarbonate

Mix it all together, make 12-15 balls. Press gently with fork on them. 
12 min in the oven, on 200 degrees. 

And bread for the hungry one as well. 

Monday, November 28, 2011

christmas feeling

Finished decorate the living today. 
It is sunny and warm, and in the living room, we have fake snow flings and snow mans. 
Bit weird, but at least I get some christmas feeling somewhere, as the weather is not helping me. 

It is nice

this and that, again

Today, I am so tired. Don't really know why. 
And I also really want to sew, but so tired so I just want to sleep, 8.30...
I also want to learn how to make my own cards, like in birtday card and christmas cards. 
I am really sold on that idea, to start to make them myself. Must be fun, I' thinking. Everywhere I check, they talk about expensive stamps, and machines to cut out things to glue on. 
 I mean, one reason I would do it, would be to NOT support a market thing. And for it to might be cheaper.. 

And aslo to just be creative. 
But with all these stuff, it would be a very expensive hobby. 

Tomorrow we're looking at a day wit swimming pool and gym. 
That is good. 
After that I don't really have any plans.