Monday, July 30, 2012

Summer clothes

Even if it's maybe time to start to make the autum clothes now. 
Summer isn't over, but think it's anyway time to manage some clothes for colder times. will try to manage a coat, but we'll see if that will be possible :)

Well, did this top and skirt. 

The fabric is rather transparent, so it could be good to use something under it. 
You can see that clearly with the skirt. Bit a pair of nice leggings and you're done!

If you would be interested in buying it, I have it all on my website:

Shopping shopping!

I have double feelings about shopping. I like it, but I don't do it very often. I often go out, with the intention to get me something new. 
Clothes, makeup, or anything but often I end up with nothing. 
The days when I actually do come home with something, I end up with a bad feeling. Almost like anxiety. 
Like it is waste of money. That we could have done something much better with the money. 
There is one exception, when I go there and buy things I love it. 
I feel great, and a happy feeling comes. 

Hala 22, praska triznice, Holesovice, Praha!

I just love going there, as I do once or twice per week. 
Buying all the fruits and vegitables that we need. I love spending the money on the eggs from hens that I know have a good life. 
I know that I support local farmers to survive, that the vegitables hasn't been transported around half the globe.I know that there isn't a big supermarket that takes its share, and the middle hands that takes their share. I know that it goes to the farmer!
The feeling of stock the fridge with the fresh vegitables are just fantastic!

I think that everyone should go there, at least once a week. Support a better world!

Sunday, July 29, 2012


I went swimming today, in need of some work out and relaxating. 
I was increadible tired and almost fell asleep on the way. Came out of the metro, and voila! wasn't it a coffee stand there. Perfeknti!
I usually don't drink coffee, but when extremly tired I've got to do it. 
So I did, and went swimming. 
I never think I manages to swim as much before! 
It went just so good. The coffee completely boost me, and it went  so good. 
So now I know what I'll do before all my workouts.

By the way, anyone in Prague that wants to start morning swim with me? I mean morning as before work and all. 
Please let me know :)

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Fixed denim jacket

I've always wanted a denim jacket. But as well been very mixed to it, as they look so much well Denim. It can really be to much.
So I did this, to a jacket that I bought second hand, for 50 czk. 



I removed the collar, and sewed on laze on the pockets. 

 I sewed on laze on a part of the back. 

Now, I think the jacket are just so much more interesting, not just a denim jacket, but MY denim jacket :)


I'm wearing this:

Jeans: Bought in Bolivia in a market place

Sweater: An old army sweater, that I styled with some flowers.

Tanktop: Made myself. 

Shoes: Bought on a second hand store for 50 czk. 

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Summertime part 3

Some new tops again. 

A rather transperant fabric, so it can be wise to use something under it. 

The back

The second top.

If you want to buy these, or look at other things, go into my website: Maria-Madgalena

El patio!

For this year the making of hte patio is done! 
We undigged it, resized it, and put the tiles back in theirs space. 

And here is the result!
There is some space infront of hte patio close to the staircase, as we will continue next year, and make it bigger and nicer there. 

Gosh, I think that I need to go a photo course :S
You can't really see the big differens. 

My new bag

This bag I made about a year ago. But wasn't happy with it all, now I made some changes, and I feel very good with it now!

I don't know if bag is the thing I'll do, but it was fun to do this one. 

The fabric is a bit chaotic, but I like that. 
I do like to be visible :)

Had a pocket on the bag before, in the same fabric as the bag. 
Was a bit to much chaotic...

It's always as fun, to get something new! And even more, that I'm able to do the things myself :)

Monday, July 23, 2012

The outfit of the day

My outfit of the day:

Denim vest: some random vest from a second had store. Made the applications on it. 
Denim trousers: Some randome brand from a second hand store, I made the batik, by coloring the trousers. 
T-shirt: Carlings, a shop in Sweden and Norway. 

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

The summer project

Being here, in Sweden at the country side, can be somewhat long. 
I have no car, so can't just go somewhere, and there are barely any buses to take me anywhere. 
So most of the time, I help out here at the house. Doing things that they have been talking about for as long as I almost can remember. 

My mother has always wanted a bigger patio, is hasn't really been any...

So this summer I helped out to do the patio. 
Me digging out the soil, to make the patio bigger. 

My little girl helping out as well!

Here you can see the are where the "old patio" where. I have taken out the old stone plates. 
We needed to do that, to cover the sand with a special plastic cover, so the weed don't start o grow. 
The back with sand and plates again. 

And here we are today!
You can see the plastic cover for the soil, in the edges of the coming patio. 

We dig it out, and filled it again with lots and lots of sand. 
That is heavy to pull, I can promise you!

Here you can somewhat see how it will look like. 
In the end, it will almost be twice as broad as before!

Don't believe that I've done it all myself, I haven't! 
But I've been apart in all the processes and have done a lot.  

Monday, July 16, 2012


So, back from some days Göteborg, the second largest city in Sweden. I used to live there, before i moved to Prague. Such a cute city, it has a lovely character, and the spirit in that city  is just so nice. 
We're there to celebrate one, of my many, sisters birthday. And we took one extra day to just be in the town as well. 

I really felt I missed the city and it would be so fun, if the future would let me visit more often. 

I met an old friend, that I haven't talk to or have had any contact with over the last 3 years. we talked talked talked one evening, and with so much better mood can I come back to my lovely Prague. 

Been thinking so much of old friends, that I losted contact with, and that I missed and wanted to talk to, and at least I have reconected with one. Feels just good. 

Do that

craftmanship fair part 2

Tried to upload some more pictures of the fair I attended.Wasn't very easy, takes ages. 
Here comes three more at least. 

This is how the sellers stand looked like. 
Very light. 

This is ours, very dark as you can see. 

We also has a little sheep with us one of the days. 

Fabric from South America-Bolivia

If anyone are interested in fabrics from South America, more specific Bolivia, you have just found the right place. 

I've got fabrics from just this area, imported from a local fabric factory in Bolivia. 

Lovely to use in pillows, bags, as decorations in dresses etc. 

Email me on for mor informations and prices. 

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Im also on etsy!

As from today, I do not only have my website

I also have a shop on Etsy.
Shop name is Mariamadgalena


Monday, July 9, 2012

Craftmanship fare

One reason I went to sweden was to attend a craftmanship fare. 
From selling point of view, it was a disaster but from connecting and meeting people point of view it went rather good. 
But all of the sellers said that the firt time, in a new market always goes bad. 
It was also terribly weather, so almost none showed up. 
 I will most definately do it again though and try to find other to go to. 

Oh gosh, after 15 minutes of uploading did I manage to upload one picture...

Thursday, July 5, 2012

One year anniversery

One year ago I started this blog. I posted my first about something about replanting plants. 

Has been very fun to do it, to write and show what I'm doing. I had a plan with the whole thing. And Idea where I want to go with this blog, plus web site and all. I had an idea of how I want to live my life and what to do. 
And it is that idea that I'm thinking about today, on this anniversary, as it hasn't really happen. 

I've learned so much this year, about what I want to do, and how I want to live. But today I', sitting here and are wondering about it. I can't see that I have moved one single step forward from how it was one year ago. 
And it makes me tired and sad. 
Will it ever? Will I ever be able to do what I really want to, or  will I be forced into something else, just because it takes so long?