Being here, in Sweden at the country side, can be somewhat long.
I have no car, so can't just go somewhere, and there are barely any buses to take me anywhere.
So most of the time, I help out here at the house. Doing things that they have been talking about for as long as I almost can remember.
My mother has always wanted a bigger patio, is hasn't really been any...
So this summer I helped out to do the patio.
Me digging out the soil, to make the patio bigger.
My little girl helping out as well!
Here you can see the are where the "old patio" where. I have taken out the old stone plates.
We needed to do that, to cover the sand with a special plastic cover, so the weed don't start o grow.
The back with sand and plates again.
And here we are today!
You can see the plastic cover for the soil, in the edges of the coming patio.
We dig it out, and filled it again with lots and lots of sand.
That is heavy to pull, I can promise you!
Here you can somewhat see how it will look like.
In the end, it will almost be twice as broad as before!
Don't believe that I've done it all myself, I haven't!
But I've been apart in all the processes and have done a lot.