Thursday, March 29, 2012

Playing old rhythms

I used to play clarinette. For rather long time. I was never really good at it. 

1. Because it wasn´t seen as very cool to play an instrument. 
2. Because I never got to understand how to count the rhythm. I stomped with my foot, and pretendet to count in my head, but it was always very confusion to me. 
I still have my old clarinette, and have plaied once in a while a song and that´t it. 
I thought I didn´t remeber a thing. 
So a couple of days ago, I just went and put it togehter. 
I hadn´t really thought to much about it.
And I started to play, and don´t know, but something said clic. After ten years of not thinking about music, I did understand how to count the rhythm. And just that little thing made me in such a good mood that I continued to play. 
Yes for sure, I was almost as a beginner. But it was so fun. 
So easch day now, for some time I´ve been playing my old clarinette. 

10 Years of not really using it, hasn´t been to good on the tone of it. But for me it´s ok. 
I just think it is so fun to hear music coming from my house. 

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

So incredible happy

Maybe is the spring, maybe is the sun, maybe is my house, my family, my work, or just abit of it all, but I'm incredible happy. 
I only have positive thoughts of the future. There is so much that I want to do. So many plans and ideas that I am working with. 

And it's all so exciting. 


I´m very excited. Working on my website, and by the end of the week it should be up and running. 
I will have a mort viewible and understandible page of my products and what I do. 
So you people understand that I do things that can be bought!

It will look very nice and I=m looking very much forward. 

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

reusing what we have

I think it's very important to save the energy. I mean, to save what we have, and not use so much more, new energy. To reuse what we have. Maybe then, my child can enjoy the planet, as I'm doing now. Reasonible frech air, and water suplies. 

I do it by shopsecond hand, if I'm not doing it myself. 
By eating as much "eco" meat or veggies as I can, as the factory farms uses loads of medicin, that spreads into our nature. 
I use public transportaion. 

And I also do this. This might be to much, according to some. And maybe it is. Been thinking that myself. But on the other hand, evertything we can save is good. 

I clean, and I clean alot. Everyday is something that needs to be dusted or washed or something. So I use a lot of dish cloths. And rather soon, they start to feel, bit slimy, and smelly and disgusting. 


The disgusting cloth. 

I boil the cloth in water with vinegar and soda bicarbonate. 

I do that for about 10 minutes. Sometimes I do it twice. 
And look at the ugly water. This is a cloth that was farly new.. 

Voliá a perfectly clean cloth, that are ready to use. 
Instead of haveing it thrown away.. 

To much to do..?

Monday, March 26, 2012

I got myself a flower

I had a big bag, that needed some pimping up. 
And also it was a big hole in it.

It's bit and itäs lovely!

Help needed

I need your help! I´m searching for someone that could help me and my husband to create a website. 
It´s a medim big website we want to put up. We can´t just do the work ourself. 
If you know anyone, or if you yourself would like to earn some extra money, please contact me for more information at:
 on my facebook: 

Friday, March 23, 2012

Prague, my old friend

Then I\m back again. It feels very good. The weather is fantastic, and the city itself is just amazing. 

After all day spent out, I'll have nice dinner in with my husband. 
And time tomorrow to show pictures of things that has been done!

Friday, March 16, 2012

Have you ever seen such a bright moon?

The other day, I came running in to the kitchen, turning of all lights.
I wanted to show the moon, how bright and shining it was. As it was spectacular. it was a lamp, up bright in the sky. 

Excited as I was, I told my mother she needed to see this. 
" Have you ever seen such a bright moon?"
Mother sat by the table, looking not at all as astonished as I where, on the the moon. 
Just calmly more or less informing that this was not as bright as it could be. This was only just a bit. 
Did I not know?
Funny how fast we forget. But everyday when the moon is out, I'm standing in the window as astonished as the first time. 

memories from the past

Old things, newly bought. 

Finally found my meat grinder. After lived his life in dispersion and scattering, he is finally coming home. 

Lovely old cooking pot. 

Storage, storage, storage, that is always on my mind and metal bins are lovely for that!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

old and new

The sofa in the house needed a new touch. Didn't feel to good about it. 

I do really think, that it looks so much better now. 

My grandmothers old laze got used as well.

Better right?

Sunday, March 4, 2012

constructive critisism

One of my many sisters told me the other day, one thing that she had seen whit some of my things I am doing. If often look like I do them, to fast. That the seams are not really straight sometimes. That furniture are not always coated precisely.

A year a go, it would have disturbed me, that someone that doesn't do it themselves tells me how and what to do. 

I think it started to change after I got my child. As I don't have anyone around me, to help and point out how to do things I needed to start to listen to other people. People who might not had children, but came with Constructive criticism. 

So instead of getting irritated on my sister, I got glad and felt good that she told me. Now I can think extra about this, and my creations will end up even better. 

So give criticism, but please always give constructive one.  

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Apron for the hard working one

I found a plastic bag, in the house, the other day. It was filled with scraps of leather. 
What to do, what to do?

Well this house is more or less a working station. Animals, vegetable will come and there is a full working carpentry here. 

So what could be better then a proper durable apron?

So from the scrap leather, this was made. 
(Miss my manquine once again. Nicer to show you on that one.)

A pocket on the side, for different tools etc. 

A decorating ribbon, all around the apron, just to make it look bit nicer. 

The ending got leather at the other direction. Only for the effect!

It was the first time I sewed in leather, it was more difficult then I thought. Much more tougher for the machine then I thought. 
But for my first time in this material, and the fact that it was all scrap, am I very happy about the result. 


Curtains that I've made for a friend. 

Shower curtains as well. 

If you also want to have things made and sewed for you, just contact me. 


There is something not quite right here.
My girl have been sleeping trough the nights, since she was 5 months. Until now. I'm getting about 3 hours of sleep per night. 

This is starting to get to me. I don't know what to do, or anything. She cry her lungs out, for some time. Then she just lies there, rolling back and forth a bit. Starts talking, and this goes round and round. 

Songs, lullabys, stories, milk, stuffed animals. 
Nothing is helping.