I used to play clarinette. For rather long time. I was never really good at it.
1. Because it wasn´t seen as very cool to play an instrument.
2. Because I never got to understand how to count the rhythm. I stomped with my foot, and pretendet to count in my head, but it was always very confusion to me.
I still have my old clarinette, and have plaied once in a while a song and that´t it.
I thought I didn´t remeber a thing.
So a couple of days ago, I just went and put it togehter.
I hadn´t really thought to much about it.
And I started to play, and don´t know, but something said clic. After ten years of not thinking about music, I did understand how to count the rhythm. And just that little thing made me in such a good mood that I continued to play.
And I started to play, and don´t know, but something said clic. After ten years of not thinking about music, I did understand how to count the rhythm. And just that little thing made me in such a good mood that I continued to play.
Yes for sure, I was almost as a beginner. But it was so fun.
So easch day now, for some time I´ve been playing my old clarinette.
I just think it is so fun to hear music coming from my house.