No, I am not a feminism.
The whole thing with feminism is that WOMEN can. That WOMEN are strong. That the WOMAN should take care of other WOMEN.
That we ought to fight against the evil and sexistic man. We HAVE to, to show our female bond.
If we don't we are traitor to the female sex.
We should act in certain ways towards the man, not please him, but be hard and say that we need to punish him after the oppression of the women.
That it is our turn to now rule.
I can just not agree to this.
I think that we can all be totally equal if you start to think about us all as HUMANS.
HUMANS should have equal salary.
HUMANS, should have equal rights.
HUMANS should treat HUMANS the same.
We should seek for "revenge" on anybody because that will not help anyone.
We should see each other as HUMANS, all together and that we all need to work that all people in the world are EQUAL.
Stop see the sex and start see the person behind it.